Montgomery Prep Academy

Supporting Students Throughout West Virginia

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Where Students Go To Succeed.

"Global Corporate Accreditation by Cognia SACS/CASI"
Making an impact


Montgomery Preparatory Academy is an extension of the Cognia Accredited MLMPI Preparatory Academy School System that services grades 6-12. The students will accelerate and complete their course work through a hybrid learning environment. This dynamic environment incorporates digital core curriculum, flexible scheduling, weekly mentors, vocational and career services, health/wellness programming, and infuses social emotional life skills programming daily.

The overall purpose and goal is to provide a System of Schools that combines a structured environment within a supportive atmosphere reinforcing the concepts of mentorship, accountability, significance in life while promoting civic leadership and engagement.

Apply for Admissions

2023/2024 applications are now open

At MPA, we give students an education and experiences that set them up for success in a career. We help them succeed in their education and lives far beyond graduation in order to help them discover their passions and dare to follow.

A Word

From Our Administrator

“The Montgomery Preparatory Academy will set the new standard for education in West Virginia. I’m excited to lead a new era in academics where each student’s specific learning needs are met. We will give each child the confidence, courage, and skill set to achieve their dreams and become leaders. This is a huge win for Appalachia!”

– Misty McCune



If you are interested in attending Montgomery Prep Academy and would like to receive more information or get enrolled, please contact us today!

Call For Inquiries/ENROLLMENT

(304) 588-8396

Email For Inquiries/ENROLLMENT

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